Thursday, November 29, 2007

DNC-Media Plants

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the DNC-media complex - (Apologies to DDE)

This is utterly ridiculous. CNN should be incredibly ashamed and people should be fired over this. As it is, there's no mention of it on their front page despite the fact that they put out a statement about the gay general/Hillary supporter last night.  Michelle spots a John Edwards supporter, an Obama supporter, and a union activist among the questioners. [Mary Katharine Ham]

CALLER:  I was listening to you from the opening hour about Hillary planting questions, and I recalled the time when she was on Late Night with David Letterman in her first Senate run, and she answered a whole bunch of questions about the history of New York that David proposed to her, and, of course, she got them all right because she's the smartest woman in the world.  But it later leaked out from a staffer that she was given the questions before she appeared on the show.

CALLER:  Thank you.  Back when George Bush senior was running for president, I went to a town hall meeting and in the chance that I would ask him a question or get a chance to do that, I worked very hard to come up with a well-worded question about Supreme Court justices, and then the next day in the media, the local media they said that Republicans had obviously planted the questions, so I called them up and said, "Why did they say that?"  They said, "Well, because the regular people wouldn't be able to come up with questions like that on their own," and I think that Hillary is worried in her campaign that the people are not asking the right questions, aren't intelligent enough to get the right questions out for her status on whatever she wants to talk about.

CALLER: But what the problem is, is they don't point this out to everybody and say, "Look, this is a major character flaw.  This means that you can't trust a person like this.  They're willing to fool you. They're trying to fool you about who they are," and it goes right back to what you've already said: How can we fool 'em today?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

And who can forget when, then unknown Clinton enabler, George Stephanopoulos' call was randomly selected by Larry King, whose guest was Clinton's opponent President Bush 41?

Anonymous said...

Lord that "debate" last night was a joke. I was hoping to God that Fred just walked off or had a Reagan microphone moment. When I read that there is no such thing as liberal bias in the media I just shake my head.

Right from the get go, the Republicans were made out in the worst possible light. Someone said a few years ago that the left dominated MSM is good for 15 points in the presidential election.

Here's my old saw but if it was even equal bias for equal bias, the democrats would be a permanent minority party.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what kind of dead democrat voter turnout we can expect this election?

Anonymous said...

PICTURE...Is that Bill Moyers on the left?..Damn. He HAS been sucking Communist butt for a long time hasn't he?

Anonymous said...

"Be Happy In Your Work"... the thoughts of Mao booklet.......Or he'll give you something to whine about!

Anonymous said...

Just heard Rush say the true, blue conservative at the debate last night was.....FRED. No surprise there.

As things continue to get better in Iraq(fingers crossed) I think Rudy is going to fade a bit. Huck is not a fiscal conservative and Mitt has got too many skeletons, Mormonism not being one.

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