Friday, November 23, 2007


Let's all hold hands and wish

Come-ON Gorecide!!
Eco-nuts are, well, freaking nuts.  N-U-T-S.  Earlier we heard eco-cultist Toni Vernelli opine, "Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet," after getting her tubes clipped.  San Francisco wants to ban the fireplace,  and now this guy.

A former advisor to the British government and past president of the Royal Society, Professor Lord Robert May, has called “encouraging” the fact human fertility has fallen below replacement level around the world.  ...May lashed out at the Catholic Church saying, “In my view, religious beliefs or other ideological prejudices prompt some major international organizations to oppose contraception, forbidding distribution of condoms or even advice about fertility control.”
Makes me want to do some procreatrin'.  Much as I hate and despise radical Islam, they're the fun bunch next to Goreons.  Do you know how you love to see Duke and UNC play each other because one will lose? That's how I view a possible Islamo nuclear Jihad.  I may get crisped, but by God so will Goreons and their liberal colleagues, and for them, it's the end of existence.  That's some mean despising I have there.   But, because these people are cultists in every sense of the word,  I think there's a good chance they'll do what cultists do best - kill themselves in some grand suicidal protest.  Be still my heart.  I can't wait.  Gore will surely, in the Joseph Goebbels tradition, take his entire family with him, so I call dibs on his mansion, and all his carbon credits!


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Those fools. That's -S T E A L- not how to spell stale.

AnnoyedOne said...

This "movement" is nothing new but the glow-ball-worming rationale is a new twist.

Some years ago there was some guy on TV advocating that humans refrain from procreating to prevent overpopulation (from memory). The guy had a weird name and they even had a website.

Rodger if you search you archives you might even find a post about it.

If this people are truly serious they should end their lives immediately. This would
a) reduce carbon emissions
b) make life more pleasant for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Al Gore is a typical politician -- he simply hasn’t realized that man does not live by words alone, even though one day he may need to eat them.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Al Gore, I believe, sees himself as a loser. He's a classic True Believer, a person with low self esteem who attaches himself to a cause with fanatical religious fervor in order to forge an identity. These people are now a pandemic threat, akin to rabid raccoons. Click-click.

Anonymous said...

Radical Islam is breeding way above their replacement rate.

The 'red' states are slightly ahead of the game to. So, the good news is that those of us with guns and the will to defend the US. will inherit the US and the liberals will die off..

What's not to like?

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