Friday, November 23, 2007

Home remedies galore

Home Remedy


Most of us keep the bathroom cabinet stocked with remedies for common ailments - but we could just as well look in our kitchen cupboards instead. Many everyday ingredients can double as home cures for a host of complaints, from toothache to sciatica - and with no worry of side-effects. Here, Angela Epstein rounds up 25 of the best home remedies...

I knew about some of these, but not the banana peel - but then I never heard of  "VERRUCA" either.  I like homeopathic remedies that have a pedigree, and physicians are starting to like them more, it seems.  People have forgotten how to take care of  even minor scrapes and aches, relying instead on Hillary Care because it's absolutely free. Anyway, all this leads to my annual Oil of Oregano spiel.

I've said that if I was going on the lam, and was allowed to pack just one medication,  it would oil of oregano, a natural antibiotic. Here's two recents of mine.  I had a molar go bad.  I knew it was bad because it hurt, and I tasted the infection.  Did I go to the dentist, like any sane person would do?  Hell no.  I applied a drop of Oreganol topically for a few days, and it quit hurting.  That was almost a year ago.  Last week the molar simple broke off (rollover#1), leaving the roots behind. I have an appt. next week for the extraction, but not because it hurts. 

Three weeks ago I suffered a teensy burn on my finger when it grazed a hot skillet.  Did I take care of it like any sane person would?  Hell no.  I spit on it and whistled Dixie.  All of a sudden the little burn was full fledged leprosy (rollover#2).  First thing that came to MoSup's mind was the staph infection that's been rampant around here, causing a bunch of schools to close.  Did I listen to her and go to the doctor?  Hell no.  I put a drop of Oregenol on it, applied a fresh gauze bandage twice a day after a peroxide rinse, and three days later it's good as new.  Better even.

Oil of Oregano is also a natural antidote for Anthrax.  It tastes like crap, so MoSup takes a gel cap once a day.  Me too. BTW, I am famously reckless with my own health, and do not recommend that you use this in lieu of proper medical treatment.  Also, oil of oregano is a blood thinner, so don't take more than a drop a day. Personally, I use it as a substitute for aspirin - as an anti-heart attack deal - but I'm not going to say that you should.  You can ask your physician, but he's likely to be like mine and say, "yeah, I like oregano on my pizza."

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

It's been part of my daily regimen since I first read about it here on your site probably 3 bottles ago. And man does it taste wicked! Thank you for that one Rog.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Get a load of that uncluttered 50's countertop! No microwave. No toasteroven. No Mr. Coffee. No food processor.No electric can opener.......No way man!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

You sound like my wife Jamie Mac. Counters were invented in anticipation of all them things, plus a Kitchen Aid Mixer with every attachment. and a George Foreman Panini maker.

Anonymous said...

It IS a very nice kitchen with unlimites possibilities....except for the single bay sink.

Anonymous said...

Rodger, I would think the peroxide rinse had much to do with the healing of your finger, but glad you're okay regardless. That could have turned septic, quickly. Be careful.

I'm a pro-pharma guy if there ever was one, but let me tell you one thing that does work -- mouthwash as a cure for strep throat! I prefer green scope (but I imagine any would work). The alcohol kills the germs and numbs the nerve endings that cause all the pain.
Works a charm for a plain old sore throat, too.

Also, if you're depressed (and I mean real clinical depression, not just "the blues") you should look into Chromium Picolinate. Do a Google search for "Dr. Malcolm McLeod Chromium". He's a psychiatrist (a real MD, not just a psychologist) who discovered that Chromium had remarkable effects in one of his chronically depressed psych patients so he ran out and did some studies to verify the effect, then patented its usage! So now, no company can market Chromium as a cure without a license from him, but there's nothing preventing anyone from taking it on their own or discussing it with their MD. (Of course, you should consult with a doctor before discontinuing any meds.) And the science is out there to prove it's effective, it's not just some marketing spiel from a vitamin company.
Makes sense since chromium, like lithium, is a heavy metal and no, it's mechanism isn't known either.
Cheap, effective, and no known side effects so long as you don't overdose.

Anonymous said...

Oh... and just to clarify: when I say "if you're depressed" I don't me YOU, in particular. I mean "anyone who's reading." No 'fense, intended!

We know you're not depressed, Rodger. You take it out on the libs via your commentary and art!

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