Thursday, November 08, 2007



Hours after Congress cut funds that President Bush asked for to build a missile defense system in Europe, the program reached another milestone, successfully hitting its target for the 32nd and 33rd times ... this time hitting not one but two missiles. It was the first time multiple targets had been used.

The Missile Defense Before It's Too Late editorialist then ponders this question ...

Is it possible that Democrats are still skeptical that a missile shield will actually work?

Of course it's possible, but my take is this is more of the eighties when "in Congress and the media. SDI was denounced, in the words of The New York Times, as "a projection of fantasy into policy." [Excerpt from How the East Was Won by Dinesh D'Souza - a great 5 minute read].  Just as they trembled over Gorbchev's threats then,  it is totally in character for democrats to take Putin's side in this most recent manifestation of an evil empire against the interests of a free world.  Speaking of Putin ... well, there's almost too many people that need killing right now, but he's a priority.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand. Why the hell should we pay for a missile defense system in Europe? Let them protect their own asses. Other than half of England, the President of France and maybe Poland, it's not like any of them are our friends.

Anonymous said...

and this instant classic..."We estimate that North Korea has around 800 missiles in their operational inventory. Intercepting these missiles during their boost phase while still over N Korean territory would be a huge combat multiplier for me" -Army Gen. BB Bell, on the need for airborne laser.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

We're building in Europe to intercept US bound traffic early on, as i read it.

Anonymous said...

It's a no-brainer to hit them in the boost phase. They're going slower, and they haven't sprouted any Multiple Independently Retargetable Vehicle warheads yet. Opposing this funding is treason.


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