Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fred is Ready

I want to see a show of hands.  How many of you believe that global climate change is a serious threat and caused by man?

 Over the past month, Thompson has walked away from several very strong performances in GOP debates. In the latest one, he held command over the entire field and won the day by refusing to play "hand shows" on stage at the direction of the moderator.

"I said, 'Nope,' and everybody pulled their hand down and looked around," Thompson later recalled.

"I just said to my buddies up there, 'How are you going to stand up to the leaders of Iran and North Korea if you can't stand up to an overbearing moderator?' "  [HE'S FINALLY FREDDY FOR PRIME TIME]

I think this is Fred's "I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Breen."  moment.  Let's hope the early primaries don't foist a buyers remorse candidate like Huckabee upon us. Anybody, I don't care from which party, who raises his hand to this question is unfit to lead anybody. 

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