Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hijab strangulation

Clash of Cultures?  You betcha
A man telephoned Peel Regional Police at 7:55 a.m. yesterday claiming he had killed his daughter.

Aqsa Parvez was strangled by her father because she refused to wear the hijab, the Islamic headscarf worn by some Muslim women.  What I now find interesting is that the original story in The Toronto Sun  has, within the last 5 minutes, been deleted, and with it any mention of the hijab motive.  This is what's left.

Perhaps the choice of words in its invitation  to comment is indicative of the Sun's reluctance  to portray Islam as uh ... harsh?  The National Post is not so queasy. 


Anonymous said...

It's totally defendable for him to stangle her it's just a very, very late term abortion. Just toss her carcas on top of those smaller ones, unless we get to milk her for stem cells.

Anonymous said...

Yes Rodge, and a new episode of "Little Mosque on The Prairie" will soon be released by the Communist Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) with which to cleanse the Canadian mind that Muslims are just fun loving, understanding, highly tolerant folk. The MFCSers can take a flying leap off the CN Tower. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

Anonymous said...

Religion of peace, doo dah, doo dah!


Anonymous said...

A hate crime if there ever was one. What else but intense hatred could make a man kill his own daughter over her clothes?(religion)...In my opinion,a person cannot be considered as anything other than the scum of the Earth as long as they follow that evil religion.How can anyone who reads the Koran or reads Robert Spencer continue to believe tha Islam is peaceful OR a religion. It is a cult. A pedophile cult.A cult of bigots.A cult of followers of an evil,racist,pediphile,robber and thief.I believe that christianity has evolved over the centuries and kept pace (almost) with the times, but Islam has never budged over the millenium plus....I don't want these people in my country as I don't believe thay want to assimilate, but I also believe that if Islam is ever to catch up with the reality of modern times, it will be the young Muslims who grow up here in North America who will cause the change.I am just not so sure that change will ever reach the backward third world of Mid East and Asian Islam.

Squeak said...

Pelosi needs a lobotomy, She is a sellout to women everywhere..

Anonymous said...

The barbarians are at the gate, and all the lefties in Canada will do is continue wringing their hands over the possibility that Steyn's book might offend these animals, and doing all they can to criminalize it.

It's hard to say which group I despise more. I will nurture and express my heartfelt hate for both while I still have the legal right to do so. DD

Anonymous said...

That is awfully strange of the Sun, they are the only real *Conservative* paper in Toronto.

Anonymous said...


CDR J said...

As much as I despise the Squeaker of the House, I think she is getting a bum rap about wearing a hijab. I believe she was wearing it when she visited a mosque. There is nothing wrong with following the local religious conventions at a house of worship. If I went to a synagogue, and was asked to wear a yarmulke, I would. In fact, up until about 35 years ago, no Catholic woman would enter a Catholic church without something on her head - a hat, a scarf, even a paper napkin if that was all that was available.

pdwalker said...

There! I'll bet she'll listen now!

That'll learn her.

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