Friday, December 14, 2007

I am not making this up

Eat, drink and be miserable: the true cost of our addiction to shopping

Today it seems politically unpalatable, but soon the state will have to turn to rationing to halt hyper-frantic consumerism  -

And what do Madeleine Bunting's readers think of this utopian madness? 
What the government is doing regarding climate change is passing the buck on to the individual.

It could easily ban incandescent light bulbs, air conditioners, insist that public buildings only be heated to 18 centigrade, give the subsidies the Germans do to those who invest in renewable energy, bring in strict laws regarding energy efficiency for new houses, stick an additional tax on electronic goods that don't go into proper standby, insist of aircraft fuel being taxed at the same rate as petrol and diesel, forbid subsidies from local or regional authorities to local airports or budget airlines, and a fair number of other measures.

Expecting the consumer to follow his conscience is a recipe for making people feel miserable and harassed without significantly reducing energy use.

Thanks to Anonymous "rockville" for the tip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Expecting the consumer to follow his conscience is a recipe for making people feel miserable and harassed

One, what evidence of climate change other than Algore belching does she have?
And two, this nasty Marxist asshole doesn't think that marching lockstep with every other citizen under the government whip won't make us feel miserable and harassed? Especially after her recommended sanctions have no perceivable effect on her perceived problem, but our economy goes into a Great Depression?
Aaarrrrrggghhhhh! (That wasn't me screaming - it was Madeline as I threw her out the B-52 bomb bay doors over Seattle.)
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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