Saturday, December 01, 2007

Women are different

After Due Consideration ...
Earlier in the week a crime show amped my dim bulb.  In a nutshell,  neighbors find a woman sobbing hysterically on her front lawn, blubbering that men broke into her home and beat her husband.  Cops  find hubby with his brains splattered all over the hallway.  Two men, she claims, broke in and bound her with duct tape, then used an aluminum baseball bat on hubby.  Killed him dead.

The investigation leads to a guy  the wife hired to kill hubby, and to the brothers he hired to do the wet work.  All parties claim she was behind it.  Cell phone records, bank withdrawals, merchant  video tape transactions and other forensics contradict her story,  and she's charged as the mastermind.  She pleads innocent.  The trial is a slam-bang,  open and shut case.  She's convicted of murder and given life; so too her hired assassins..  But that's not the part I'm talking about.

A gaggle of her lady friend supporters sat through all this court drama, listened to admissions of guilt by the hit men, saw the damning forensic evidence, and after all of this they were stunned. Stunned!   No, not by her deed, but, as one women tearfully and bitterly pronounced outside the courtroom, "How  could anyone on that jury have voted to convict!"

A zillion mental extrapolations, and 2 seconds later, I am compelled to ask this question. I can ask it because I love and respect women, and think they are among the brightest people I know.   It's just that when it comes to politics, women are like lawyers - 75%  give the rest a bad name.

Are we a better nation because women were given the right to vote?
Sadly, no. It's been a net loss.  Big time.
Yes, you misogynistic pimple knob
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Juice said...


Police say Eisenberg went to the office Friday demanding to talk to Clinton about helping him get mental health care and ended up taking at least five people, including an infant, hostage.

Proof positive that women are VERY important to politics? OR...proof positive "this" *woman* gives 99% of the rest of us a filthy stench.

Juice said...

BTW, you misogynistic pimple knob, that was a ~TV~ show, written by hollowood liberals with an agenda for social chaos. But, you already knew that. ;)

Anonymous said...

"I'd hit that." - Louisville Slugger

AnnoyedOne said...

"I'd hit that."

So would I--with my cricket bat!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid it goes much earlier than suffrage. We made our big mistake when we taught them to communicate. It's been all downhill ever after.

Anonymous said...

Angry Harry tells it like it is.

Linda Sue O'Grady said...


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Linda, you know I meant that in the good way. Right?

closed said...

OK then .... any reason for the misogyny explosion today?

Off yer meds again?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

polyurethane fumes, I think. I hadn't realized was posting a trifecta, of sorts, that could be considered piling on. The man code prevents me from making amends. :((

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Rodge. I think my posting below pissed of the women AND the men.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

And it was so nuanced. :)

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