Thursday, January 31, 2008


A Poem

I Hate You

by Nan Aborell

I really really hate you,
I wish that you would die!
If I could just get near you
I'd poke you in the eye.
I used to think I loved you
and now I don't know why.
I really really hate you,
I wish that you would die!

Last night while I was sleeping
I had a pretty dream,
I couldn't see your face too well
but I could hear you scream.
It made me oh, so happy
to hear you in such pain.
I think I'll go to sleep
and dream that dream again.

Oh yes I really hate you,
I wish that you would die!
Your head is full of garbage,
your mouth is full of lies.
You ought to have a warning label
tattooed on your thigh.
I really really hate you,
I wish that you would die!

Sometimes when it's raining
and clouds fill up the sky,
I turn my face to heaven
and ask our Father why,
with all his power and majesty
won't he even try
to hit you with a lightening bolt
so I can watch you fry!

I really really hate you,
I wish that you would die!
I'd like to see you hit cement
from forty stories high.
You used to say you loved me,
and then you made me cry.
I really really hate you,


Anonymous said...

Sniff... Rodger that is just so.....beautiful! I can't help but shed a tear or two in response.

You really got me this time.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Is .. is that the wet stuff in my eye?

Anonymous said...

Of course silly, what did you think it was? (giggle).

I've never seen these murderous rages I have put into poetry so eloquently.

BTW did anyone see Queen Anne on Hannity and Colmes tonight? She was on fire - I thought Colmes was going to have a stroke when she declared that she absolutely would vote for Hilary over McCain. It was great!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

No I did not, but she joins Michele Malkin and other hardcore conservatives, who it seems are mostly women these days. I can only guess that McCain is winning against conservatives because so many of them are pissed off Baptists who won't vote for Mitt. No other explanation for it.

Anonymous said...

I wish that flip flop from Romney on Abortion would have brought with it a denouncement of his religion. I live here in Mormon country, and they talk about him like he's the Messiah. I know first hand, living just a stones throw from Colorado City, what a crazy religion it can develop into.

I'm not Anti-Mormon, they're nice people, but I don't think I want what is essentially a cultist in the white house. I think Romney is the best qualified. It's too bad that from actually reading the Book of Mormon and knowing what goes on, his religion creeps me right the hell out.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had the skills and technical facilities to put up side by side pictures of John McCain/Charlie Chaplin(older) who I think look uncannily alike.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Chaplin was also a commie.

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