Saturday, January 26, 2008

Commies and their Friends

Hugo, Coke, and Joe

Chavez Cokehead

We have a two-fer Chávez today. First, and I'm sure you saw this, but it's worth noting because the effects cocaine use segues into to story number two.

Chávez says he chews coca daily

''It is another symptom that [Chávez] has totally lost the concept of limits,'' said Aníbal Romero, a political scientist with the Caracas Metropolitan University. ``It shows Chávez is a man out of control.''

More seriously, Venezuelan and Bolivian analysts said Chávez's comments amount to a dangerous endorsement of a substance controlled around the world, and perhaps even an illegal act by a very public head of state.

''If he is affirming that he consumes coca paste, he is admitting that he is consuming a substance that is illegal in Bolivia as well as Venezuela,'' said Hernán Maldonado, a Bolivian analyst living in Miami. ''Plus, it's an accusation that Evo Morales is a narco-trafficker'' for sending him the paste.

This second item came from a Barn Army regular ...


I think I told you I work for an oil company here in *______*. I just want you to see this email I got this morning. I'm going to try and delete some of the names and addresses to protect, uh, ME! Screw the innocent! I just don't want anything posted that might get me into trouble.

I just thought, Hmmmmm.......What happened to Joe's "friends" in Venuzuela???? We haven't even had a winter yet! And they have run short of supply??? Yeah right...

I wanna puke every time I see those commercials with Joe "I'm Your Savior" Kennedy. He tells us about the good people of venezuela letting us have the cheap heating oil for all the poor people the US Government has let freeze to death. Isn't Yugo Sha-Vez a nice man??!!!!
"Some say it's wrong to take oil from them....""
Now Chavez says they don't have any more (Yeah, right! Like they ran out) so all I have to say to Joe Kennedy:
<in my best James Cagney gangster voice>
"Where's your Messiah now, see??!!!"
Hopefully they'll stop the damn commercials......

The Venezuelan Flag is not a PS Click to see

Important Program Information! - Please Read Carefully

Due to the generous, but limited supply of oil for this year and the enormous response to our program, we are no longer accepting household applications as of Friday, January 18, 2008.

This does not affect the applicants currently waiting for approval or that have already been approved.
You will continue to receive notification of any and all approved applicants who are authorized a delivery as they go through the approval process. All deliveries you have received an approval for will continue to be paid under the Citizens Energy/CITGO Oil Heat Program guidelines.

We will notify you accordingly once we have stopped approving these pending applications
We do not want to take in more applicants than we can approve, therefore we have stopped taking new applications.

Potential clients may still call the 1-877-563-4645 number BUT they will be put on a WAITING LIST for assistance. We will take names on the waiting list up until January 25th.

If more oil becomes available for assistance, we will make it available to those on the waiting list in the order they were received.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call our Toll Free Dealer Customer Care at 1-800-866-4591
Thank you for your continued participation in our Program.


Citizens Energy/CITGO Oil Heat Program


Anonymous said...

I have the perfect energy solution. Give all the Chavez lovers coca and let them burn off their energy on a giant hamster wheel. This will create green energy. But I'm confused, I thought Joker Kennedy was against fossil fuels, but I guess not if it's for poor people.

Anonymous said...

Our local citgo closed. BWa ha ha ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...


Along with Citgo stations, we also have BP. I like their commercials where they lead everyone to believe that BP stands for Beyond Petroleum and they are doing everything they can to find REAL alternative fuels. Yeah, right. But there are the gullible out there that think "Well, these guys are trying real hard to save the environment and stop global warming and OH! Their logo is GREEN and it looks like a plant!! so I am going to buy all of my gas from them!"

Don't get me started. Oh! and blow me Joe Kennedy....


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