Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Donk Idea

Stimme für Hillary

Americans Abroad Can Now Vote Online
MEXICO CITY (AP) - This year, for the first time, expatriate Democrats can cast their ballots on the Internet in a presidential primary for people living outside the United States.

Democrats Abroad, an official branch of the party representing overseas voters, will hold its first global presidential preference primary from Feb. 5 to 12, with ex-pats selecting the candidate of their choice by Internet as well as fax, mail and in-person at polling places in more than 100 countries....  Blah-blah-blah

I'll bet I know what you're saying to yourself.

 "Oh great, Democrats will use this "successful" experiment to extend it to general elections.  That way the illegal alien problem is no longer an issue, because the entire world will be defacto US citizens.  Yippee."

Am I right?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Hmmm. Or, maybe not. :)

Juice said...

I've met my point of saturation.
With politics.
With the Anti-America Liberals. With IslamOBamo and Shrillary.
With McCain and Huckabee.
One more image of a Clinton or their communist ideas and there will be spew upon my laptop.

This morning, Life is Beautiful, was on a movie channel. I've seen it before. It was a great concept for telling that story. Today I turned it off when the main characters were loaded into the trains headed for the concentration camps. Why? Too sad to view again?

No. What was too sad to view was seeing ourselves - American Conservative Patriots - being loaded onto to those same trains by today's American Liberal Democrat Party. It is, after all, what they are doing. "Ownership" of the mass media enables them to stifle and destroy any voices not in step with their ideas for seizing: our personal wealth; personal freedoms; rights to freedom of speech and bearing of arms; and -yes- freedom of thought. But mostly, the pursuit of happiness...FREEDOM.

I am sickened by it all. Are we going to ride those trains like the Jews until we too are nearly wiped off the face of the Earth? Who among us will stand together to rescue our freedoms? Voters are stupid, illegal, dead,or bought. Our system has already been corrupted. Members of our so called party, have joined ranks with the enemy more often than oppose them.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Ride those trains ...

Not on your life. We are Americans. We love to fight, and we hate being pushed around. The time will come when all hell breaks loose quite spontaneously, and those who would put us on those trains will swing by the neck from lampposts, which pretty much takes care of the democrat party.


RKV said...

Amen Rodger.

Anonymous said...

Keep buying ammo!

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