Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The EEK scenario

Mmmmmm. Prozac.
It hurts mommy

This video pretty much sums things up.  With Fred out of the race, I have more or less embraced Mitt Romney as the lesser evil, with the best chance of surprising us with enlightened, firm leadership.  This video, produced by an outfit called RoeGone.org, demonstrates the problem he faces. Nothing new, but packaged like this it will have devastating impact with the "I only care about abortion and gays" people. Similar, hell worse damning truths can be viewed about McCain, and Huckaboo. I feel deadly lassitude setting in.

No matter which of the three get the nomination, they'll receive my vote because any of them are preferable to any democrat (I will bet money on at least 4 SCOTUS nominations during the next term, for starters).  At this moment in time, however, I see a 60-40 chance that we'll have a President Obama.  He's even more leftist than Hillary, but unlike her, any videos must  rely on extrapolation, because the guy has virtually no record,  He's also benefited greatly by remaining civil in the face of outrageous Clinton behavior.  And, there's Oprah.  Oy.   Maybe he is the 666 guy?

The good news is, this thing ain't over, and I will trust that a higher benevolence will, once again, guide us to safe harbor.

 Mmmmmm. Prozac. USA! UAS! USA!


Anonymous said...

Not sure what the difference is with a dem in the oval office and a Congress that is dem in both houses and a republican in the Oval Office and a house and senate run by dems.

In the former, the nomination process might be a bit shorter and in the latter, any conservative nominee floated will be summarily shot down leaving us with ..... a liberal nominee .... again. In other words, the same thing.

The process just takes a little longer, that's all.

Please let me know what I am missing in this.


Juice said...

Hilarious! That narrator sounds like a big ol' dyke mocking herself! :D

As you know, Rodger, I have stated there is no way I want a Mormon in the White House. But, dittos to your post.

Huckabee's success on running as a "preacher" gained him a great deal of foolish votes, and hurt Fred. I am not a single issue voter, nor a Republican, but a Conservative. And we, in all parties this election cycle, are stuck with junk, and must sort through it, however unpleasant.

Anonymous said...

I recently had this exchange elsewhere:

One: I'd rather not vote at all than in any way support any of those three.

Two: Then vote third party. Or vote Democratic. But when not voting is not an acceptable answer, unless you completely absolve yourself of all opportunities to complain about the government between now and the next election.

GrinfilledCelt: I used to think that, but there is a big difference between not voting because you're too lazy to go, and not voting because there are no acceptable candidates. What have we got? A Democrat pretending to be a Republican, a Libertarian pretending to be a Republican, an liberal bible-thumper pretending to be a Republican and a business-as-usual, big government Republican. On the Donk side we have a power-hungry female megalomaniac, a doe-eyed innocent whose greatest asset is that he happens to be black and a Marxist trial lawyer running around promising the sky to everyone.

For me right now, it's a toss-up between Romney and Nobody. I've done my research on this and I think that Nobody would be much better than Huckaboob, McCain and (probably) Romney or any Donk of course. If the Donk Congress ever stops bitching long enough to pass anything, Nobody wouldn't sign anything and Congress would have to get a super-majority to pass any of their hair-brained schemes. Nobody wouldn't start any more wars, say anything stupid or lie to us. The idiots over at Moo-von.org and the Daily Kos would have Nobody to make up lies about. Would Nobody raise taxes? Probably not. Nobody has the intelligence and know-how to get the job done. In short, Nobody is the right man at the right time.

Are there any third parties in this race? If there are, they are getting even less coverage by the MSM than usual - if that is possible. Maybe Nobody is a third party candidate. If I ever vote for a Donk, you'll know the end times are near. Like most Conservatives, I can't see any difference between voting for McCain and voting for a Donk.

Two: But government positions can't be held by Nobody. Somebody is going to take an oath of office in twelve months.

GrinfilledCelt: That's discrimination, and just plain wrong! I think that I'll start a movement in support of Nobody's rights.

Anonymous said...

Not voting is a vote for McCain.


Juice said...

Top drawer response! Nobody wins. I like you're thought process.

It's a major distress that the average American voter is so easily influenced by whomever gets the most press coverage, and more importantly, the least coverage (for Conservative candidates).

Timbeaux said...

I place a +50% chance that Mitt takes Fred as a running mate. Of course, there would be a strong likelyhood of McCain doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Gotta go with GrinfilledCelt on this one for precisely the same reasons. If McAmnesty is the candidate, I will simply stay home.

Anonymous said...

Juice, And just why would you not want a Mormon in the WhiteHouse? And remember, I'm a Mormon but, not a nice one. I'm the kind of Mormon who will Fu*k you up real bad if we meet face to face.

Anonymous said...

Casca: I already voted for Thompson in Michigan's primary - for all the good it did.

If McCain wins the nomination, I don't really know what I'll do. On election day I may end up going to the polls with a barf bag and a clothespin on my nose and vote for the damn quisling ~or~ I may stay home and hope the Donk wins so that the Packs (by way of McCain) don't get the blame for the way things turn out.

All I can say is that if the Packs are really collectively dumb enough nominate McCain, we're screwed no matter how the election goes and this country deserves what it gets. We can only hope that if we survive the next four years that people will take the next election seriously.

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