Friday, January 04, 2008

Good News


I am unable to wrap my brain around  a President Huckabee *shudder*, and don't believe there's any chance it will happen.  But, even if he's this year's Howard Dean, as I suspect he is, who will now implode, there's still a significant danger in his Iowa win.

In the immediate aftermath of  Dean's Iowa surprise in 2004, the rest of the democrat pack were so stunned that they, to a man, promptly adopted his scripted policy of hate.  Hatred - raw hatred for Bush.  Hatred for Republicans, the military, and just about anything else that might help capture Dean's magic. They quickly disavowed previous strong support for the Iraq war,  first by pretending they'd never supported it in the first place, then, when confronted with recorded video to the contrary, by claiming they were tricked by Bush.  Democrats can do that. Be tricked by a guy they claim is the dumbest guy in history. 

While I don't expect anymore Huckaboo success, I see a danger in the Republican herd adopting his liberal social policy, tax and spend philosophy, and mushy-minded foreign thinking.  Half of them are already liars on his scale, so that will be the easy part.

So, the Iowa upside is that Senator Clinton suffered a political stroke that will hopefully lead to death.  Be still my heart.  The downside is that I have a far easier time envisioning a President Hussein Obama *death rattle here, boss* than I do a Republican President-anybody. 

Wait.  There's another bright side.  Since 1992 I've been wrong about damned near everything.  Go with that, and keep your chins up.


Anonymous said...

The Huckster is just a reincarnation of Jimmah updated with new software including a decent sense of humor and a smidgin of talent. We'll probably find him out of gas and thumbing his way south along Interstate 65 right after SuperTuesday.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you, Rodger. My wrongness quotient dates back further than

Linda Sue O'Grady said...

There is not going to be any President Huckawho and there is not going to be any President Obama either.

Trust me on that.

Anonymous said...

The Corps,and the Corps,and the Corps.......Gen. MacArthur

Anonymous said...

I have called ever election correctly since Carter. There will be no Hillary or No President Obama. The real danger is Edwards. More than likely it will end up being Mit or Thompson, Dark Horse McCain.

cmblake6 said...

FRED! Oh, and don't forget the congressional seats we may get. POTUS isn't the only thing to worry about, remember?

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