Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Maryland Democrats

New Taxes May Make Maryland Even More Expensive
"May Make?" That headline is indicative of how Marylanders think when it comes to taxes

Montgomery County Maryland Voter

It's axiomatic that anytime one political party, especially if they are democrats, gain an extended choke hold on government, said government will be as corrupt as a Bill Clinton semen sample in an Arkansas paternity suit. So it is with Maryland. But first the good news.  We are NUMBER ONE!

Maryland was considered the seventh most expensive state in the U.S. Now, according to a radio report Mother Superior  just listened to, and thanks to Gov. Martin O'Malley's slew of  tax increases,  probably illegally passed,  that will go into effect by Thursday, Maryland will officially become the highest taxed state in the nation.  Yup, higher taxes than New York.  Higher taxes than Taxachussetts.  Higher taxes than anywhere.  Yayyyyyyy!

But wait! Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr., a Democrat natch, is charged with violating the state constitution while ramming through the legislation. And then creating false documentation to cover up the fact when a lawsuit was filed.  Yes, the fabled cover-up.  A judge shocked democrats by agreeing to hear a challenge by state Republicans, and despite desperate attempt by democrats to stop chief clerk of the House of Delegates, Mary Monahan from testifying, it appears the judge is going forward - if they can find her. She's been in hiding.

Marylanders who can count to eleven without taking their shoes off are hopeful  the increases will be ruled unconstitutional, and all Democrats involved will be publicly hanged, drawn, and quartered.  Pray for us in this, our time of need. 


Anonymous said...

Well they are probably talking about the people who actually *PAY* taxes.

The ones who get hand outs from the govt -- well it *MAY* not be more expensive for them because they might be getting more money.

I'm thinking their plan goes like this - keep raising taxes so Virginia looks like a better deal financially, forcing more Marylanders across the border making VA bluer than blue. No wonder the Old Dominion has gone so far down hill politically in the last few.

Hopefully that judge will live to do the right thing.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Get ready T ... now that MD has gone to a 6% sales tax it makes it easy for Virginia democrats to follow suit, and they will.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it wasn't that long ago that Mark Warner bitched and moaned about how desperate we were ( after Gilmore cut the car tax) and rammed through the biggest tax increase in the history of the state ( with the help of RINOs in the senate).

Right after that we suddenly had a budget surplus...hmmm... guess it wasn't so desperate after all. Now the state has had to cut stuff all over - something like 7% of the budget for each state agency.

Gee you think the tax increase caused the budget shortfall??? You're right - next thing you know this 'emergency' will need another tax increase ( so that asswipe Kaine can have his legacy of the 'biggest tax increase in the history').

If *I* can see it - why the hell can't anyone else??

I've been hearing rumors that George Allen may run for governor after Kaine [VA has a weird rule where governors can't have 2 successive terms]. We can only pray that he does and gets in.


Anonymous said...

I hear Alaska has the lowest tax burden of any state.

Fairbanks is lookin' pretty good.

Anonymous said...

TFV, that's the rationale O'Malley used here in MD to try to convince people we needed the tax increases to ward of the "emergency" deficit.

closed said...

Chuck Martel said...
I hear Alaska has the lowest tax burden of any state.

Actually, Wyoming taxes for individuals are lower ... even including AK's dividend payments. Wyoming has a high excise on exported oil, which makes the overall numbers seem bigger.

Anonymous said...

We have a 9% sales tax here in Tennessee, About 5 years ago a renegade tried to i9mplement a state income tax. There were riots in Nashville people came from all over the state. Broke out the windows of the state legislature. Some people had ropes secreted in there trunks to retrive quickly if they could get there hands on the renegade Republican Govornor or any of his democrapper pals. After the place was secured by the state police they quickly forgot the income tax.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I remember that. Maryland has State. county (50% of state tax) and local income tax burdens. The reason we don't follow suit and start hanging people? I think it has to do with more than 50% of our jobs and income being derived from government, directly or indirectly. Folks look at a tax increases as investment in the company they work for. People who object are uneducated right-wing slackers. I hate to say it, for the obvious reason, but we need a good nuclear enema in this state.

Kim du Toit said...

We have no state income tax, sales tax at (I think 8.25%).

Ask me about our property taxes... grr grrrr grrrrr. $6,500/year.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yeah Kim, but you live in a mansion on 12,000 acres.

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