Saturday, January 12, 2008

Political Perverts

Schwarzenegger's budget proposes closing 48 state parks
Look mommy - a girly man.

It's classic democrat.  When faced with budget crises, shut down museums, parks, and licensing bureaus to cause the most pain and make recalcitrant taxpayers cry uncle.    What a pathetic girly-man Arnold Kennedy-Shriver has turned out to be, although an astute student of liberal rope-a-dope under Maria's tutelage.  Sheesh.  If there's a lick of difference between Grey Davis, I don't see it.


Anonymous said...

Poor Arnold thought he could just talk sense to the spending-drunk democrat state senators. Those people don't understand logic. All they know is if it cries then you write it a check.

Anonymous said...

Little off topic about making every member of The Barn Army's head a link to their pages...that should keep you occupied for about 5 minutes or so...LMAO!!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Many, at least half, don't have a page. Image mapping is a huge deal, but one I'll do after it's fully populated. The old image map links are still in place, so, for instance, Cuzzin Ricky is the jukebox. Anyway, I think there are many more people who want to be in the picture who haven't yet sent me theirs.

Juice said...

You are 100% correct, Rodger! By the gubmint for the gubmint.

This is just another example of typical CA politics. Tom McClintoc was the actual conservative candidate at the time of the Gray Davis recall election. Ahnold started out "for the people" but ended up folding like a sissy house of cards the first time his common sense propositions failed on our special election ballot. He could have brought them back on an "actual" election cycle, but cried in his beer instead, seeking counsel from Dem Libs.

Now this:

"This week, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed tacking a fee onto all property insurance policies sold in the state and using the proceeds to fight blazes in areas served by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The 1.25% levy would raise $125 million a year in badly needed funds."

JUST LIKE A LIBERAL to tax and punish the innocent instead of answering the truth about how the environmentalist/preservationists have loaded our state with fire starter by not allowing proper forest management. Good god, I want out of this state and the housing correction is keeping us here. More CA wine, please! We're dying here, boss.

Anonymous said...

What Arnold is proposing has been called The Washington Monument gambit. IOW cut out the most desirable elements of the budget first to make us rubes squeal.

What the hell happened to Arnold? I saw that insurance fee proposal and could just shake my head. Isn't their shortfall now greater than the one that got Davis removed?

Anonymous said...

Ahhnold is Grey Davis with pillow tits. There, I said it.

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