Thursday, January 24, 2008


"This video is pretty much how I feel" Teresa-

I think that's Jack Hamilton!


Anonymous said...

I needed a good laugh after reading at Michelle Malkin's site that Romney's running campaign ads in spanish.

Not that I should be suprised by that. I'm just finding myself having to keep a paper bag close by... What a shitty year so far...

Anonymous said...

If Fred had actually have bothered to campaign he'd still be in the running and I would have voted for him. It seems he wanted the job but didn't want to work in order to get it. I don't understand it.

Cpl/Major Mike

Anonymous said...

I've felt awfully depressed since Fred hung it up too, but it really boils my blood when I hear other conservatives like Cpl/Major Mike spouting the MSM BS about Fred being lazy.

Can anyone explain to me what it was that made Fred lazy because the MSM refused to speak about him? The last week before Iowa, Fred was doing five events a day when the others were doing maybe three. Did the Media cover that? No. Now I hear, "If Fred had actually have bothered to campaign he'd still be in the running and I would have voted for him." As Queen Ann said last week, "I had no idea that Republican voters in Iowa and New Hampshire planned to do absolutely zero research on the candidates and vote on the basis of random impulses. Dear Republicans: Please do one-tenth as much research before casting a vote in a presidential election as you do before buying a new car."

The next thing you know Cpl/Major Mike will start thinking that McCain is a pretty good idea since he seems to be so willing to let the MSM lead him around by the nose.

[/rant] Sorry Cpl/Major Mike, I'm okay now. Your one sentence set off one of my anti-personnel rant bombs. Nothing personal, you just got in the way.

Anonymous said...

You know, Fred wasn't lazy, but Fred definitely didn't have a huge bright flare for it. Maybe blind ambition aint the best thing in a presidential election, but it seems to work better than good ol' boy laid back kind of stuff.

I love Fred, he'll make a great VP to counterbalance a middle of the road ticket like we're going to have.

PS. I used to love Ann, Rodger knows this. But Jesus I really can't stand her anymore. She really strikes me at this point as someone who you could share all of her beliefs with, and she'd still be a mean stuck up bitch to you in real life. That's not media coverage of her, thats reading her articles like I constantly do.

And I rather not let ANY member of the media, opinion or 'unbiased' members, lead me or sway me to or fro any candidate. To me, a Presidential Candidate doesn't need to pass my litmus test, doesn't need to know and believe everything I do. Needs to hold core values on the few things I find to be completely important, because lets be real here, we have Presidents to lead and our side of Congress to keep them all in line. We're 1000x times better off with Bush than we'd of been Gore, but we disagree with alot he wants to do. So? Congress slaps him down. It's the pecking order.

I reckon I can take a Candidate with a few of my heart held beliefs, and not hold out for an imaginary prince charming candidate to save me from Billary.

PPS: Rodge, shouldn't I be on like an MIA section of the Barn Army?

Anonymous said...

Hi Josh - glad to have you back!
Everything OK? Bet you're really busy with school.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

I just finished preemptive surgery to stop the spread of Melanoma. That and work at Walmart left me sort of, drained. Just sort of hanging out.

No school. I finished with my schooling a while ago, working on getting into college, though.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Sure Josh, just send the pitcher you want to use.

Anonymous said...

For God's sake! What difference does it make what the guys personality is, whether he has the "fire in his belly", or how he looks!!!!
It's about the issues!! I am so pissed off the Republicans in Iowa, NH and SC haven't got the sense to vote for the only conservative on the ballot. Too damn stupid to know the difference between a lib and a conservative.

We are now officially outnumbered by the uninformed and ignorant!!

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