Monday, January 07, 2008

Universal Health Care

Universal Health Care

Today's WSJ editorial HillaryCare v. Obama looks at the difference between Clinton's and Obama's national health care schemes. 

"Universal" health care is of course a major Democratic issue, and Mr. Obama laid out a proposal in May, Mrs. Clinton in September. Both plans create a public insurance option managed by the government. Both plans impose more stringent regulations on insurance companies, and both institute new taxes on business.

Sen. Clinton
In common
Sen. Hussein Obama
  • Dictates that everyone have health insurance

In theory, such a law would force everyone to sign up for health insurance -- either through their employers, a private plan or a government option -- or otherwise pay penalties.
  • Only require the coverage of children.

Whatever the minor policy differences among Democrats, their major domestic ambition this campaign season is the government takeover of the health-care market. The Republican nominee will need a free-market alternative, and a way of explaining it that is more concise and compelling than we've heard so far.  [I'd say that pretty much eliminates Romney.]


Thud said...

Our British health service is imploding..if lucky just about in time to show obama etc what a pile of crap they are pushing.

Chuck said...

Could someone please ask any candidate espousing any gummnit healthcare scheme, where exactly in the U.S. constitution does the federal gummint have the authority to do that?

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