Thursday, February 28, 2008


Re: Mr. Smarmy

This is carryover from yesterday's rant about John McCain apologizing to Obama-Rama for Bill Cunningham's "offensive" remarks.

 Mark Levin has the 1 minute Cunningham statement, and McCain's apology, plus a few words.  Americans are desperate to want to like this guy, and make him President, but this kind of crap makes it damned difficult.  McCain will be elected President if he can get Republicans to even vote.  Levin neatly encapsulates who McCain is, but he'd better start pretending, at least, to be on our side, or HFS!


Anonymous said...

Is it too late, Cunningham for Prez!
righy gomez

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Your choices. President McCain, or President Obama (or Clinton). Which makes you gag least?

Anonymous said...

Cunningham is an ass. He has the Coulter-esque tendency to bury his humor under his need for attention. At the end of the day, it's just not helpful to be feeding ammunition to the other side.

I'm not a McCain fan, but I did like the way he slapped down the Messiah over Al Quada in Iraq.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I must necessarily discount your opinion about Cunningham since you evaluation of Coulter is by my reckoning a clunker. But, that's just me. :)

Anonymous said...

Can we say Barry "the Messiah" Obama?
- DougM

Juice said...

Yes, DougM! I love it. Say it again. It is the fate of all false prophets. :)

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