Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Another  reason I hate John McCain's guts so much that I'll prolly stroke out after voting for him just to keep an even worse threat out of the White House.
McCain Repudiates ‘Hussein Obama’ Remarks
It's all pork sausage too.
Let me axe you something McCain,  you candy-ass, media ass-sucking canker blossom.  Did you think it improper when people referred to "H. Rodham Clinton?"  No?  Then why is it improper to call Obama-Rama by his given name?  I understand that the Obama-Ramas are scared witless to have anything about his Muslim heritage discussed, which is all the more reason to make him do it.  And who the hell are you to apologize for something you didn't even say in the first place?  I want every square strand of B. Hussein's DNA scrutinized, just like these same dickwads you're trying to please are about to do to you.  Eat me.


Anonymous said...

Now, this is just a thought...

All over the news today: McCain repudiates Cincinnati radio talk show host over his use of "Hussein" when referring to Obama during his warm-up speech for the Senator's campaign rally.

If it's intended that way, it's brilliant strategy. If not, McCain should have a long, tough meeting with his people and they should all get on the same page.

Smart. Just plain smart. The Cincinnati guy was on Hannity/Colmes last night and said that McCain's handlers told him beforehand to let it all out on Obama. Then, McCain does his thing. So, the entire news media is reporting McCain / Hussein.

Anonymous said...

Let's take it another step, Anon. The radio host in question is urging voters to vote for HRC. Little Mac's race isn't in play, so if R's crossover and vote for HRC, they keep her in the game, and the intermural D firefight keeps on burning. We WANT HRC to stay alive until the convention. Whomever comes out of their fray is certain to be too bloodied and wounded to win in the general election. Animous is sure to run high in this scenario, either they lose the black and loon vote, or they lose the snippy old bitch vote.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I like the way you think raela, but...

... reverse engineering a fu*k-up in order to make it run seldom yields the truth. It is (see Occam) IMO what it appears to be, a stupidity entirely consistent with past performance. Even if what you say is true, his oh-so bright handlers ought to have factored the cost of playing this charade as reinforcing McCain's image as someone who will walk a mile to make liberal like him.


Juice said...

Your post says it best,Rodger. McCain is about to become the red headed step child of the MSM. Maybe his handlers would rather keep him leashed than allow America to see him boil over, especially in contrast of "the Prince of Peaceorama".

Casca- thank you. Anyone who would fall for that vote for the hilldabeast we can an idiot. She needs to be road kill NOW.

Anonymous said...

Mac better get ready for the biggest brawl of life. If he thinks the run up to the general election will be oh-so-proper and genteel, just like his debates with his fellow senators, he is a retarded ass. Once the dems figure out who is the frontrunner, Mac will face the most hostile campaign and the worst the MSM can throw at him. We ca expect his entire senatorial career to be vetted, with every vote scrutinized and published. The cipher that is Oabama will get a pass on this.

Anonymous said...

Why not make this the first year a president is elected by write-in? Like Duncan Hunter, for instance.

Anonymous said...

Using "MSM" to describe the likes of the NYT, the alphabets, TIME, NEWSWEEK, without a modifier such as, the left dominated, implies that they hold the mainstream values and anyone not subscribing to their values are outside of the mainstream.

Semantic infiltration-just a thought

Anonymous said...

Due to WFB death, I'll bet the big bucks that McCain will be celebrating tonight.
righty gomez

Anonymous said...

Measured by blood, isn't B.Hussein Obama more Arabic (even White) than he is African Black?...Somebody do the math.

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