Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Michelle Obama tries to kill Stevie Wonder

Stevie W - "I Just Called to Say I Ate It"

Click for Video

Remember in 1992  how candidate's wife Hillary Clinton couldn't keep her mouth shut, becoming such a negative in her husband's run that the campaign muzzled her?    Prediction: Michelle Obama will become Hillary II.  She shows every sign of being the same self-centered entitled bitch.


Anonymous said...

Stevie was okay until he became an urban yodeler.

Anonymous said...

In the R/O it looks like he's choking her chicken.

Just sayin'.............

LifeTrek said...

Last week I wondered if they were taking a page out of the Clinton play book and making Michelle the center of attention allowing Barack to squeak by with less attention. This gives the MSM a free pass on Barack because they will be covering the "controversial" wife.

Republican ire was wasted on Hillary in 92, deflecting time and attention from Bill.

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