Saturday, February 02, 2008

Open Source

Who's Who?

There seems to be a good deal of interest in who the Easy Rider is, and some other Barn Army commandos.  While I plan to map the group picture, I don't want to do it until everyone who wants to enlist has done so.  I need a head shot you want used, and something that's about 300px, please.  The guy below MoSup sent me a tiny thing, and even after blowing it up he still has a tiny head.  Also, I will not identify anyone who chooses not to be known, so having your pic up there doesn't mean you'll lose your mystery, except to me of course, and I can see you anyway thanks to my magical SVT (SH Long Visual Translator).  :}


AnnoyedOne said...

I'm in front of Rodgers Dad ;-)(

BlogDog said...

I'm directly under the back strap on the Seattle Express.

Anonymous said...

Damn we are a good looking bunch!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes we are! Kegger at the Barn tonight! We'll be roasting a pig even if Hillary fails to accept my invitatiin.

Anonymous said...

Ha! You had me at kegger!


Anonymous said...

That's my own cute self there on the far right, back row, on the end.

and I'm dayum proud to be there!

Anonymous said...

That would be me with the enlarged brain pan in the gold shirt right under the "tt's"....get's... Sometimes I just crack myself up...


Anonymous said...

Thankee for putting me next to the purty lady.

Are you my chaperone?

I suppose I'm supposed to guard Dutch Reagan, too.

Anonymous said...


Why's that crazy sumbitch pointin' a gun at my chest???!!!!



Anonymous said...

I"m the Mountie to the left of the parrot. Strongest Barn Army I ever did see. I'll bring the whisky and prozac

Anonymous said...

Where does I send da pichure?

Anonymous said...

Because, Dr. Hardcrab, you look suspicious...

Anonymous said...

I'm in the light blue shirt with sunglasses center of picture.Oh and I have no legs!News to me, cause I can feel them.Ozaob

Rodger the Real King of France said...

MAIL pictures to

Rodger the Real King of France said...

All money donated today will go for Boazo's prosthetic legs. HELP BOAZO WALK AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

I'm the guy w/hat above MoSup.
The "guy" below MoSup? I have my suspicions on that one.

Anonymous said...

Rodger, best laugh I have had in days!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Good, that makes me happy too.

Firehand said...

I'm a little left of Mo Sup. And all of a sudden, put the pointer on me and somebody's backside shows up.

And I now it's not mine.

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