Monday, February 18, 2008

Pau d'Arco

pau d'arco

About three years ago a friend suggested pau d'arco as a good homeopathic remedy, so what the hell.  I ordered some bark from Brazil, for about $75 or so, and got a box full of bark.  I took a few hands full and put it in an old pickle jar, and poured a bottle of (cheap) Brandy over it.   What's it good for?  Supposedly it can stop cancer, which I didn't have, but I didn't want it either.  I drank a shot every night for about a month, and  ... well, it tasted like cheap brandy on steroids, so I quit.  However, I have been cancer free since 2005.

I'm not here to pimp pau d'aro, but if I ever do get the "Big C,"  I'll hedge my bets against chemo with this stuff  before I try coffee enemas, or Laetrile.  And I won't be drinking this picklejar brew now that I know I can get it in little capsules, and for just $8.99.  If I could go back to the day my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, I'd be shoveling this stuff down his throat. Maybe with shark cartilage.  

What you need to know

There is research on both sides of the pau d'arco issue. Some has indicated that Taheebo or pau d'arco is very effective at healing cancer, candida and other ailments while other studies have concluded that it is not effective at all and may even be toxic. There are definitely cautions to be aware of regarding Pau d'Arco.

Unfortunately, most of these studies differ in ways that make them difficult to compare. As an example, one study focused on one derivitave compound from the wood of the Tabebuia tree called Lapachol. This study found that Lapachol did possess some anti-cancer qualities. Another study looked at off-the-shelf pau d'arco and determined that it did not improve the health of its user at all. Yet another research project showed that Lapachol taken in large doses can possibly be toxic.

Confusing isn't it?

That is why we recommend performing your own investigation of the evidence for and against pau d'arco and then deciding for yourself which path you should take. We have included an extensive reference list and links page to help you in this endeavor.
Wonder Labs


Anonymous said...

>> Yet another research project showed that Lapachol taken in large doses can possibly be toxic.
>>Confusing isn't it?

I can just imagine the following being said in Norm MacDonald's voice: "This week, scientists have discovered that some substances, though beneficial to one's health when consumed in moderate amounts, can cause harm when ingested very large quantities. This story and more in this week's issue of 'Duh!' magazine."

Juice said...

Besides Saw Palmetto, what do you know of for prostate health? Wonder Labs or dietary?

Anonymous said...

Actually, Juice, I'm doing the saw palmetto, ginko, and vitamin E for my prostate. Not sure if it really helps or not, but it hasn't hurt. My dad and HIS dad both had prostate cancer (The elder died at 54) so I'm trying to do anything I can (plus regular check ups)...

Juice said...

Thanks Dr. Hardcrab. Mr. Juice has been on the palmetto for years now, but is hoping to find as assist for those nightly wake ups, if you know what I mean.

ricpic said...

Hope you're taking selenium for that prostate.

As a general cancer preventative you might want to research chlorella. Have no idea if it works but have been taking it for several months and am less achy, more cold resistant.

Anonymous said...

If it works, it's not homeopathic. That's why aspirin isn't considered a homeopathic remedy.

Anonymous said...

When my dog Odin was diagnosed with lung cancer he was given 2 months to live. I took it upon myself to research alternative treatments...and discovered pau d'arco...
and while I applied a few other variables to the regimen,
daily ingestion of pau d'arco and small doses of hydrogen peroxide were predominate, as was a homemade organic diet.

He survived another 4 years virtually symptom free.

Anonymous said...

That's meself at #48.

Anonymous said...

I am using HM Governments patented Bull_Shit. It is dispensed in large doses daily. It does nothing for your health but after 8 years of taking it, you lose the will to live!

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