Monday, March 24, 2008

Blog Strategy

Die and Prosper

 Brian Clark's Copyblogger gives practical advice on online writing.  His advice is soberly presented, so this - "The Greatest Link Attraction Strategy Ever" - made me snap-to. .
The strategy centers around faking your own death. For added buzz, you should also consider spinning the story so that you died while blogging in order to gain maximum A-List penetration (reminding them of their own mortality might be the last way available to get them to link outside of their personal echo chambers).

You’re likely thinking that this sounds like a solid strategy, all except for the being dead part. I hear you. While there’s always the rejuvenating option of adopting a persona who is carrying on with the blog after your unfortunate demise, let’s take a look at some “back from the dead” techniques that have worked for decades in sophisticated character dramas such as Days of Our Lives, One Life to Live, and The X-Men.

    * It was really your evil twin who died
    * You were cloned shortly after birth
    * You were temporarily in the witness protection program, sorry for the inconvenience
    * Abducted by aliens and replaced with a replica droid always seems to work
    * You are now blogging in a dream sequence
    * Actual resurrection from the dead (requires the right family connections)


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Rodger, don't talk like that. You scare me.

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