Sunday, March 30, 2008

Can't track Donk liars, even with a program

Looking for a Democrat who's not a liar
Diogenes Nope.  Ain't that guy.

Barack Obama stunned reporters today with the assertion  that Hillary Clinton was named for his father, Sir Edmund Hillary.  "The  Sherpa translation for Edmund Hillary is Barack Obama, which he preferred.  It means  'Three legged man with two snow shoes.'  That's the real story, not that other one," claimed the younger Hillary (Obama) yesterday.   The "other one" is this :

WaPo reports on Obama-Selma-Kennedy birth myth

On Wednesday, I did the math that most of the mainstream media couldn’t do in March 2007. I asked how Barack Obama could have told a Selma audience that the 1965 March on Selma resulted in his conception when he was born in 1961. I also challenged Obama’s assertion that the Kennedy administration could have been responsible for his father’s arrival in America when his conception predated Kennedy’s oath of office. The Washington Post’s Michael Dobbs delves deeper into the Kennedy myth of fingerprints on Obama’s birth, and finds little basis in fact for it: 


Anonymous said...

Rodger I had said for many years before I was introduced to your blog that I had never met an honest democrap. I have if I know a person to be a democrap refuse to do business with them or if I had young children refuse to let the associate with the children of democraps in fear it might rub off. Ever democrap I have ever come across is a horrific liar. I also learned through my vocation there are no republicans in jail or prison hardly the overwhelming majority claim to be crappers. It is somewhere in the neighborhood of 96% and that is from a recently released study.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

See Jack, democrats think of lying as "strategic word placement," so it's okay.

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