Monday, March 31, 2008

Chelsea Hubbell - STFU

Doomed to Never Ending Asses-Reflux?
Looks that way
Chelsea Clinton returned Monday to North Carolina, telling college students that the world will "breathe a sigh of relief" once President Bush leaves office. Clinton spoke Monday during a town hall meeting with students at North Carolina State University. She later moved on to Peace College in Raleigh to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Clinton told about 250 people at N.C. State that her mother, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, would work to repair the nation's reputation abroad.


Anonymous said...

I generally don't like posting links but this is an especially creepy condensation of the sociopath(s) we know as the Clintons-when you see it all laid out-well it's just waaaaay too much.

It's almost 2 ours long-hell he was(is) that much of a criminal, they probably could have used more time-to say, oh man, yeah, they're scary, doesn't come within a million miles of these two. Truly, they are from Hell, such evil people, I could not even imagine.

Rog, you once posted the odds of someone having so many murdered people in a circle of acquaintances and Bill's worked out to be something like one in two billion(?) It's always stuck with me. In my life, I know of 1 person that was the aunt of a friend that was murdered. Clinton has known 60-was that it? This film seems to put that number even higher-he is the devil on earth

Anonymous said...

I never knew (until now) that Chelsea had two right hands.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

now you do

Anonymous said...

Chelsea Hubbell should suggest that her mother look to her own reputation first.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

"I never knew (until now) that Chelsea had two right hands".....Yessir(one for shaking your hand while the other picks your pocket)....!And three assholes,two of which are shown dancing in the photo above.

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