Saturday, March 01, 2008

Democrat Dialog

Encore, Encore

Thanks to daily ingestion of Oil of Oregano I 've survived the most recent Anthrax poisoning attempt by the enemy, but am still a tad foggy.  Here's what I've been wondering though.  What's the big deal about Texas for Hillary and Obama?  Unless I'm mistaken it's not a winner take all deal, so if the two bozos are neck and neck, it seems to me that they'll both emerge with approximately the same number of delegates.  No?  Same may be true of Ohio, but I'll wait for Alear to take that one home for us.  I'm thinking we're on track for a 1968 style Democrat Convention, only bloodier.  Stocking up on popcorn.


Anonymous said...

Been there first, alot of Israelis regard their previous prime minister with the name Barak as a hopeless bigmouth.

Unknown said...

Texas' Democrat delegate system is about as screwed up as it gets:

Delegates are awarded based on a given precinct's voter turnout history.

Anonymous said...

Well thank goodness it wasn't Ricin!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

erl of oregano stops that too, I think. What does Doc. TFV think about OOO?

Anonymous said...

Don't know but I'll ask him. I know I prefer for people to spend lots of money on expensive drugs because that helps keep me in the manner I've become accustomed. :)


Anonymous said...

I get positively giddy contemplating the mere possibility that Hillary's Army will be running off to court to get the Florida and Michigan delegations seated at the convention.

Pure entertainment, that.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

And, if she succeeds - and she will - we're talking intra-party civil war! Kowabunga!!

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