I do
like to tinker with campaign videos of people I don't
like, but this ... this, this McCain .. . I'm embarrassed for the
man. I won't touch the thing. It's already a parody of an
old, stupid white guy trying to be hip, and looking foolish in the
process. It doesn't matter that he may have nothing to do with
the production, his supporters, somewhere, did. The smart
people in his camping are getting fired by McCain, wham-bam for stuff
like this,
so by election day his campaign will prolly be run by Bob Dole and Bush
41. .It's a damned good thing McCain's opponent is an even
emptier sack than he is, and still he might blow it. Did I say I
hated McCain? I do. And he detests me, and you too.
Picking RINO Bobbie Greene Kilberg to run the GOP convention was a
calculated poke in conservatives' eyes. But ... |
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