Monday, March 24, 2008

Laura Undressed



Anonymous said...

Modern culture surrounded by the culture of death.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Well, that too, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Are those Cylons wearing "I support gay marriage ribbons!"?

Anonymous said...

That should be revolting to any decent person that a so called religion would require a decent woman to live like that. The mouselim cult needs to be wiped out.

Anonymous said...

When in Rome...
show the Romans how Americans live.

AnnoyedOne said...

The one on the right is HOT ;-)

Nate said...

sings, 'One of these things ... doesn't belong here ..."

Anonymous said...

Wow, the one one the right is a real looker!

El Jefe said...

"Kiss my white ass, Nancy"

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