Saturday, March 01, 2008


 revenge is a dish best eaten cold

Democrat Media Expert Decries Biased Campaign Coverage
"I am absolutely outraged with the media coverage of the presidential campaign," Shorenstein wrote in the memo, which was obtained by The Associated Press. "This is the most important election in my long lifetime, and to quote one of my favorite movies, 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!'"

Forgive me if I stroke out because of excessive laughter, but I can hardly breathe ... and that cold revenge is giving me brain freeze.

"There is too much on the line for the media to ignore important issues while they obsess about Hillary's hairdo or Barack's baritone," Shorenstein continued. "Is it in the country's best interest that voters received far more information about Hillary's laugh than Obama's legislative record? Is it good for our nation that more attention is paid to the differences in their speaking style than their health care plans?"

Listen carefully.  The sound you hear are several million people laughing their bloody arses off. Bias, indeed.


Anonymous said...

Bernard Goldberg has been saying so for years, but it was pooh-poohed because it was a democrat/republican issue.

Now that it's blue-on-blue, suddenly it matters. Well, if there's a silver lining, it's that people will learn not to trust what the old media feeds them.


Anonymous said...

Another example that the democrats are infamous for eating their own.
c. umulus n. imbusi

Anonymous said...

Sure they're fighting now, but just wait for the make-up sex.

The love affair between the Dem nominee and the media will be one for the ages. DD

Juice said...

In the movie Dinner Rush, Louis Cropa (Danny Aiello) makes that same quote, Rodger. He is corrected with "best served cold." I know you didn't make a mistake, but help the clueless here, boss. How did you mean it?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I didn't mean it any particular way Juice.

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