Sunday, March 30, 2008

Russky Rock

Why We Win!

Prepare yourself for this one - maybe with a Stoli martini or two.

Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Red Army had an official choir composed of male soldiers and musicians.  It still exists.  The Red Army Choir performs throughout Russia to this day.

Now consider the Finnish rock band called The Leningrad Cowboys.  A little while ago, they held a concert in Russia, in which - to the screaming applause of Russkie teen-agers - they got the Red Army Choir to join them on stage for a performance of "Sweet Home Alabama."  In English.  You couldn't make this up.

We're talking seriously off the wall here.  Better have that Stoli ready when you watch it:
[To the Point News]


Anonymous said...

Whaddya figger's the chance we could get 'em to do Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" and Charlie Daniels's "Let Freedom Ring" fer us rednecks?

ricpic said...

Everybody wants to be a good ol' boy.

Sweet Home Ah-Lah-Bah-Mah. Too much.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing the Red Army Choir beat the crap outta the Leningrad Cowboys after the show just because of their non-reg hair cuts.

Pvt L/Cpl/1stClass Slack

Anonymous said...

WOW That was fantastic Rog!!!!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Received e-mail:

The Cowboys are a satire inside a parody. They are a Finnish band pretending to be a Soviet band pretending to be an American band, staged back in the cold war days.

They've done this forever, it seems. I saw them in Stuttgart, Germany in 1997, with the Red Army Chorus backing them up. It was just insane. The Chorus members were high-fiving audience members, and they had a guy who could hold a note for "the longest time in the
world." It must have been a minute at least. The crowd went crazy.

The Cowboys drummer had his rig inside a large plywood and paper mache tractor.

By the second song of the set, the lead singer of the Cowboys was tossing beers into the audience. For the encore, he climbed the
scaffolding that holds the lighting over the stage, and sang from there. There was a contingent of fans from Finland, and they had a
conga line going through the crowd.

Best concert I ever saw, and it //bordered on// genius.

4 Border Pundit


Anonymous said...

Damn, that was good! I like the doos too.


Anonymous said...

The Red Army Choir accompanied Roger Waters when he performed 'The Wall' at The Wall in Berlin july 1990 - I saw it.

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