Monday, March 31, 2008


Rep Joe Sestak is the highest ranking former military office to ever serve in congress. Sestak is a Democrat from PA, the state that gave us another disreputable former military officer, John Murtha.  A  comment by Jack the original  sent me scurrying about, collecting stuff that makes a couple of points.  They are:
  1. Any former military officer who indulges political ambition by running for office as a democrat, renounces  integrity, honesty, and honor. The most famous recent example is Sen. James Webb. There have been no exceptions for almost 50 years.

  2. All elected Democrats are liars.  No known exceptions.
Listen to this 2 minute clip of Sestak on Hardball that I gleaned from Limbo.


Anonymous said...

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it." -Obama

righty gomez

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that honor code mean if you even witness some one lying or some one cheating, and don't report it, then you are equally guilty.

These CSMF will tie themselves into pretzels defending their behavior.

The words personal responsibility are not in their lexicon.

Anonymous said...

When I went through Officer Impersonation School at NAVSTA Newport, the Honor Code was posted on a big wooden plaque right next to the Quarterdeck. My memory may be a little rusty but I'm pretty sure the words "nor tolerate those who do" weren't followed by 'But", "However" or some other qualifier.

Chap said...

Note: He's a *rear* admiral, retired, since when he got fired by the guy who's now CJCS he reverted to his permanent rank.

Although the "VADM" keeps popping up for some reason.

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