Sunday, March 02, 2008

SNL Shill Game


Last night's SNL's opening skit was a tortured reprise of last week's spoof of media devotion to Obama-Rama.  Part I was funny because it smacked of the truth. Obama Part II wasn't funny at all.  The Rama-Lama was portrayed as a stumbling speaker, a bumbling clown, which portrayal lacked any semblance of truth that good parody lives on.  I was actually waiting for a Stephin Fetchit routine to break out, doo-dah.  Why did they run it?  Obviously to accommodate "surprise" guest Clinton herself, who delivered a fawning,  transparent  campaign speech.  Pitiful. I turned it off because I was feeling embarrassed by it all. Next week, SNL can open with a parody of themselves going into the tank for that wrinkled socialist bat.  Or maybe a skit where the two  shoot each other dead; that  would have a certain  cathartic value, at least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My guess is that they got blowback from last week, and are simply covering their asses. Inadvertently, they've set up McCain for a Fall appearance.


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