Monday, March 03, 2008

yEA wE cAN


Anonymous said...

We had a douchebag for Obama volunteer "visit" our house yesterday. He knocked on the door and got our 2 dogs all riled up. Then when my wife went to answer she found that he had already opened the screen door and was inviting himself in. She told him to beat it, but between the dogs and my lil' arsenal, he was going out of his way to try and get maimed or killed. Nice sense of entitlement you got there, kid.

Anonymous said...

Rodger, thanks for hanging Phil's cartoon. He's an undiscovered talent, hidden in the hills or rural America. He has a barn too, you know, in case we need a jump CP.


Anonymous said...

"YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN!"......Well, if politics don't work out, he can always get a job working for the 'DelMonte' advertising department.

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