Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I am not making this up
Hey shortie, grow up

FOR diminutive men such as French President Nicolas Sarkozy, famously overshadowed by his wife Carla Bruni, a pair of stack heels used to be the only way to stand tall.

But a surgeon has devised a new way of adding up to 5cm to a person's height by inserting a silicone head implant.

During a 90-minute operation, an incision is made in the side of the head and the implant squeezed in between the skull and the scalp.

Dr Luis de la Cruz developed the procedure to help people who would normally be too short for jobs with a minimum height.
[Hey shortie, grow up cont.]

Pat Riotic


Anonymous said...

In addition, one could claim to have a larger brain than average.
Won't stop the "Hey lookit the bushead" catcalls though. Hey, I'm 6'-4" from the chin up.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

You've been punk'd. April Fool!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

No, I said "I am not making this up." And I didn't. I'm unpunkable.

Anonymous said...

Why do men lie about their height? Guess what? I know how tall six feet is.

Why lie? I find that so annoying.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's because they believe the studies that say that taller men get the better jobs, prettier women, etc.

Anonymous said...

I've been vertically challenged all of my life ,but I've been told that I look a lot taller laying down.

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