Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dear Daughter

Where I parent
This is of no interest to any of you.  Since my daughter is about to be married, and having neglected, despite urging by her mother, to have the  "talk" with Loo-Loo, I can't put it off any longer.  But, I'm still too embarrassed to broach the subject directly, so I'll just post this and hope she'll wander in.  My dad ran this very film for my sister (she's a nun in Omaha).. In any event, my hands are washed.  That's how we did things, and that's the way we liked it.
Reel One

Reel Two

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took notes.

1)Sit up strait so your organs have room to function properly.

2)Do not go swimming while inflicted with the curse or you may catch cold.

3)wear your prettiest dress during menstruation.

4)No square dancing.

Can I take the test now?

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