Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Enough? There's never enough.

"Scary S**T"

Watch and learn about the Clintons.
Scary shit. via Braden's Corner 

I generally don't like posting links but this is an especially creepy condensation of the sociopath(s) we know as the Clintons-when you see it all laid out-well it's just waaaaay too much.


It's almost 2 ours long-hell he was(is) that much of a criminal, they probably could have used more time-to say, oh man, yeah, they're scary, doesn't come within a million miles of these two. Truly, they are from Hell, such evil people, I could not even imagine.

Rog, you once posted the odds of someone having so many murdered people in a circle of acquaintances and Bill's worked out to be something like one in two billion(?) It's always stuck with me. In my life, I know of 1 person that was the aunt of a friend that was murdered. Clinton has known 60-was that it? This film seems to put that number even higher-he is the devil on earth

MM was referring to this article, "Clinton Deaths."  FWIW, I am convinced that one person, for sure, was murdered at the direct behest of Bill Clinton, or by a henchman - probably Buddy Young - who paid heed to Slick's  not so cryptic plea "Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?" ( Jerry Parks).  Here's that movie, for those who don't like going outside.  


Anonymous said...

Gonna sit my high-school-age kids down and require them to watch this.

All they hear in school is how wonderful the Clinton years were and how dreadful everything is now that a (gasp!) REPUBLICAN is in control. (I don't entirely disagree, but that's beside the point).
They need to know that Clinton didn't hang the moon.

Yes, there will be a quiz afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff.

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