Monday, April 07, 2008

Firefox 3

Up to date tips from me, the computer guy.

Here's everything you need to know about Firefox 3, Beta 5.  I'm glad I read it, because even though I found it nearly bullet proof, I went back to Firefox 2 because my  life was unbearable;le without RoboForm.  I haven't tried this yet, but will.

Now that you're running Firefox 3 the first thing it'll tell you is that your extensions aren't compatible with the new version. Don't panic. It's true that many Firefox extension developers haven't updated their add-ons to work with Firefox 3. But in many instances, this is just a matter of the extension reporting back to the application that it isn't yet compatible, even though the add-on might work anyway. Instead of waiting for your favorite extensions to get updated, you can tell Firefox to enable them no matter what.
There are two ways to do this:

nightlytestertools.pngDownload the Nightly Tester Tools extension. Once it's installed and you've restarted, your Firefox 3 Add-ons dialog will have a "Make all compatible" button, as pictured. Press that puppy to make your extensions work with Firefox 3 (after a restart, that is).

Note that you may still get a message about extensions that don't "provide secure updates" even after hitting this button. Use about:config as detailed below for a workaround to the secure updates issue.

Here's the rest ...

I did find one bug in 3.o, and reported it.  I am unable to use Zazzle's make-a-coffee mug program.  Other than that, it looks like a clean program.  One other thing.  Like magic, Firefox 2 no longer leaks memory like a sieve.  Go figure.


BlogDog said...

Any reason you use Zazzle instead of CafePress? I've used CP a lot but haven't stuck a toe into Zazzle. I'd appreciate the benefit of your experience.

Anonymous said...

Great advise, made all compatible and now Firefox crash all the time...

No matter what you do, it crash immediately on start up.

Now, I'm stuck with Microsoft Explorer!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Go to control panel and remove it, then reinstall.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I've had a cafe press account for several years, but they make you pay for the privilege of selling more than one variation of anything - or used to. Zazzle is slicker, has a wider assortment, and without restrictions. If you show a butt, however, they treat you like a porn pusher, and make customers sign all sort of forms stating that they know they're buying porn. The SondraK mug is a good example, with the wet tee-shirt.

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