Monday, April 28, 2008

Gas up the ass!

PAPER: Gas could go to $10/gal... ^
From the April 28, 2008 15:55:23 GMT edition of the Drudge Report.

Melting Wax Man

Americans are willing to do without in the face of real national emergencies.  If there was even a chance Al Gore was right about us causing a climate change, we'd have mobilized long ago, and without his billion dollar marketing campaign.  Greenies are not responsible for the demand on oil, but they damned sure are responsible for our dependence on other counties to provide it.  Depending on whose figures you believe, we have 100-500 years of oil that we own!  Oil that should be flowing, as we speak, through pipelines to refineries that don't exist, thanks to a few elite mofos in the Sierra Club, and the like.

Do you know what this fantasy picture is boys and girls?  This is Rep. Henry Waxman being burned at the wellhead, by his own uber-liberal constituents -- if gas does hit $10/gal.  A lot of other leftist dickheads will join him. Elitist swine responsible for the environmental insanity which will, by that point, have  reduced us to third world status,  How stuck-on-stupid are these people.  Here's a sample
.  We have gas up the ass, and they're keeping it from us. That's a message that will spread like fire, when the time is right.  Mob rule for a fortnight.  Then some apologies after the wells are being drilled. That's the ticket. That's what Tom Jefferson would direct us to do.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Is C&S 5 feet wide for everybody, or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

Hey! Is C&S 5 feet wide for everybody, or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

Not quite five feet, but it's been like this for me for a while. I have to sidescroll often to see everything, and I'm on firefox.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It only happened for IE users. I had a <pre> tag that buggered things up.

Anonymous said...

Too much package down below to be Waxman.

Anonymous said...

Nah. He's got an ear of corn in his drawers fermenting....Wants to do his part for the ethanol supply.

Anonymous said...

Good thing my screen is five feet wide.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, you rich Republicans can brag... :-) Poor Republicans on the other hand..........

Anonymous said...

IE user, thank goodness you are back - I was in withdrawl all day.

Anonymous said...

Well, Global Warming is malfunctioning again....Woke up to 39 this morning and going to 31 tonight.

Gayle Miller said...

Burning Waxman is a bad idea. Air pollution is bad enough out in Kalifornia!

Better to launch him at someplace that's already polluted beyond redemption - like Massachusetts.

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