Monday, April 21, 2008

Global A-holes

Punks and a Prince
I took umbrage with those who abandoned Speaker Newt in 1999, calling him an important, but strictly transitional gadfly.  However, Denny Hastert was far more effective, and I've watched with much consternation as Newt settled down with the unprincipled go-along-to-get-along  crowd.  But -- when he popped up on the telly last night, with Nancy Pelosi, to shill for man made global warming,  it was the end.  Newt is too smart for that, so he caved to a political expediency, and not the first time.  I want no more of him.

In the nick of time, reader  Jim K  sent me a link to this, from Alaska's "Voice of the Times." It begins ...

The Voice of The Times almost never reprints speeches given on the floor of Congress — or anywhere else. But this one made in the U.S. House Thursday by Congressman Don Young is worth reading.
“And yet, we have a tremendous amount of fossil fuels in the United States of America, that’s not being developed. Offshore. Chukchi Sea, there’s more oil in Alaska that there is in the Gulf of Mexico, and at a relatively shallow depth! The coasts of California, the coast of Florida, the Rocky Mountains, the coasts of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina has a tremendous amount of oil in the realm of about, I would suggest, 500 billion barrels of oil. That’s available to the American public.

“But we have a leadership now in this Congress that believes, led by Al Gore, that the world is coming to the end if we burn fossil fuels.”

“And I would suggest respectfully, Mr. and Mrs. America, if we do not lower that price to the small business community and to the person who has to commute to their work site, we are in dire shape in this nation as a whole. We have to address this issue.

“I ask my colleagues, please quit buying this concept that we are going to do it with windmills and with sun power. Yes, we could use those things. Yes, we ought to use nuclear, and yes, we ought to ...  [Let's get off our duffs on energy policy .. cont]

So, with Sen. Inhofe, that makes two level heads, and brave hearts in congress.  Two.

Jim suggested that I "bring the puzzles back."   I assume he means the Sudoku I had on the bottom of the page for a few months?  I'll see if I can find another widget.  If not, I'll have to do a X-word puzzle instead.  Sorry Jim/.


AnnoyedOne said...

"In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit." (Ayn Rand-Atlas Shrugged)

Anonymous said...

I found this funny video on youtube with Dali in a 50s TV game show. When Americans spoke properly on TV (and Arlene Francis was so hot and sophisticated)

Anonymous said...

I don't buy any of these silly "let's make nice" commercials or the panderers who participate in them.

I just saw one with Al Sharpton and some other deplorable schmuck (Pat Robertson, I believe).

I can't stand compromises with these jerks.

Bob Dole was a great compromising "leader", which is no more than damning him with faint praise.

These are nothing but a bunch of pandering elitists.

10ksnooker said...

Dumb and dumber sitting on a couch.

Anonymous said...


Not that I have been checking them out or anything, but I don't think Nancy's boobs are that nice....


Anonymous said...


BTW, have you seen the ones with Pat Robertson and Rev Al??? Why don't they just have all them humpin' on the couch???


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Looks just like Janet Jackson's boob, don't it?

Yes, I saw Pat Robertson, the fool needs a drool cup.

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