Saturday, April 26, 2008


Daily Reminder #2
Of impending uselessness

I decided to do a spring refurb on the old grill.  This is the unnecessary, never used side burner for warming pork and beans, or Bearnaise sauce?  I disassembled it.  Cleaned it.  Reassembled it.  Guess what?  That's right.  In that short time I lost whatever the fark it is that serves as a retaining nut on the gas spout. I don't even know what I'm looking for.  In case TFV is still out there, and has her camera handy ... .


OregonGuy said...

Okay...assuming you don't have it figgerred out...

Your pic is small. But there are only a limited number of ways to attach a thing to a thing.

Threads or locking rings.

I must assume that you removed the fuel line from the gas port. That would have been a compression fitting, with either an internal compression ring which is compressed by the retaining nut, or a flange in the fuel line meeting a bevel on the gas fitting, with the nut behind the flange compressing the flange to the fitting.

The gas port itself would then either be threaded, which is what I would expect, or a press fitting. It it was a press fitting you'll need to get a good metal-to-metal adhesive. There's a good two-stage metal adhesive you can pick up at the auto store...ask...but remember, this adhesive is permanent. You won't be removing this part again.

Check the back of the gas port. Sometimes import part have only a single thread. And sometimes, not even a complete, 360 degree thread. I would try to screw the port back on the fitting...again, your pic when enlarged, gets fuzzy pretty quickly. My first take was, you broke it off.

Have fun. Remember, whatever you end up doing, you're doing it for the team. And once you declare the project done, you get to do the Superbowl Shuffle for the rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

A good two-stage metal adhesive, 8115 3M, you have this still?

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