Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Ignorance +

God help us. I know these people.

So Do You



ricpic said...

Policies? Don't confuse me, dude!

Anonymous said...

Where's my passport? I'm leaving the country. I'll be back in about eight years.

Timbeaux said...

Don't worry too much, 4 out of 5 of them won't bother to vote.

Anonymous said...

We are doomed.I'm going to down a bottle of percs and go pound a forty chaser.

Anonymous said...

Where's that Israeli with the D9? That beach has a bunch of shit-for-brains that need burying.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

This stupidty is our fault. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. We allowed the NEA to control and run public education. Then most of us still sent our kids to these substandard life destroying school and now you see the results. Humongous ignorance and stupidty beyound belief. People will come across that video two hundred years from now and the people viewing it will offer it as the definative reason our nations was destroyed and how we lost what was left. ABJECT stupidty. God help us.

Anonymous said...

This was funny for about 10 seconds, the rest was painful.

I second Jack. Our public schools are a disgrace. The teacher's unions know exactly what they're doing. These people are the products of public school education(?). The dems need masses of non-thinking idiots to stay in power. And their idiocy is reenforced with the left dominated MSM.

That is why they will move heaven and earth, anywhere in the country, where there is a voucher plan under consideration, to destroy it.

Hey Chuck, where do you want to go? I'm partial to the Carib

Anonymous said...

Albino? That guy is voting for Albino???

These people are breeding, aren't they......


Wild Thing said...

Very scary the future of America is partially in these brain numb skulls.

The younger people in this video will probably not vote. The older ones are mostly sheep and oh wow that woman believes whatever is in her newspaper. Well ok so tomorrow if she reads in the paper the sky will fall what does she think of that?!?

BobG said...

That was quite a lineup of blithering bobble-heads.

Juice said...

On the positive side, I'll take solace in what Tim wrote. These peeps aren't making it to the polls come election day.
Besides being uninformed at the most dreadful of levels, they mostly claimed to vote according to party. Not so different from the vote I'll cast McCain's way. Ugh!!

Nancy said...

Before you lay the blame for all ignorance at the feet of the teachers.........note the fact that most of the dumbest remarks were made by people who've been out of school for a very long long long time.

Some of them had even finished school before the NEA had much to say about anything that was happening.

I'll be voting for McCain because, in the end, he's someone I can at least respect. I don't trust Hillary Clinton(and surely here I don't have to tell anyone just why I don't trust her or Bill), and I'm not going to trust someone who could sit through twenty years of someone ranting and railing at how horrible one ethnic group was... and then claim not to have heard anything.

Anonymous said...


I didn't say teachers, I said teacher's unions. Although there are sure as hell a lot of bad teachers, I'd bet the majority of the bad ones are in public schools

Anonymous said...

Some people are just apatheic and don't give a fuck. Obama, McCain an Hillary all suck. The country has been going down hill since Regean and even before..

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