Sunday, April 06, 2008

Media Concoction Exposed

Investigative Reporting

A grandmother pulled out two of her own teeth after she was unable to find an NHS dentist.
Elizabeth Green, 76, telephoned 12 dental surgeries complaining of severe toothache, but was told every time that they were not accepting new NHS patients.

Finally, her two front teeth became so painful that she was forced to extract them herself.

Which is exactly what voters will be choosing with a President Obama.  Last week I posted on "Doctors support universal health care: survey." Right.  That story didn't come close to passing the smell test, so I went to Barn Army Surgeon General, Aggravated Doc Surg, for the real poop.

Oh, gee Rodge, there are statistics and then there are outright distortions and lies. This study is squarely positioned among the lies and distortions. When you start with a questionnaire mailed only to AMA members, you are already getting a pretty biased result heavily weighted to the left. The last time I wrote about this, the AMA represented only about 28% of US physicians. Couple that with the fact that they only got a 51% response rate, and you have basically not a good representative sample, but one that would not pass muster in any scientific review. You can read more about this here.

To put it another way, this "study" is about as reliable as a Dan Rather investigation into presidential politics or an MSNBC presidential poll. And, for the record, I believe a nationalized healthcare system in the US would be an unmitigated disaster.

1 comment:

Aggravated DocSurg said...

I'm speechless! A raise in pay grade, and an honor to boot!

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