Sunday, April 06, 2008

My Catharsis

Why hasn't this man been arrested?

The media are going all out in their bally-hoo for Algore's new initiative to deliver the United State's government to World Socialists. Of course he's only the movement's useful idiot, but a rather annoying one.  Look at this statement.

Zoi said that ultimately the United States needs new laws to limit the greenhouse gas emissions that spur climate change, "but frankly, in the first instance, we want to get people to join the movement."

She said 9 percent to 10 percent of Americans are already active in the movement against climate change, and 80 percent are aware of the problem.

How about that.  Al Gore was given the  Academy Award for his BS movie; the Nobel Peace Prize (I still can't figure that one out.  Shouldn't it have been Science?).  Add to that a 95% favorable media coverage, kids cartoons, Hitler Channel documentaries, all selling his crap.  That's  about a trillion dollars worth of Madison Avenue soap selling.  And what did it get him? 

"9 percent to 10 percent of Americans are already active in the movement against climate change .. "

Which means 2-3 %. 
  • Al Gore is a stupid man. 
  • Al Gore is a liar (I'm trying to get sued for libel here)   
  • When challenged to debate his "science," he refuses.
  • What Gore is doing is equivalent to selling fake Van Gogh paintings, and falsified Da Vinci documents, as real, for personal profit.
  • That's fraud. Arrest him.
At the bottom of that Reuters puff-piece  we find:

There are NEVER any reports like "One of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" stories, and there are hundreds of them.  No, instead here's what they offered as "Follow-up News" today.  A pasty-faced,  left-tard blogger's  views.

I'll be here, dammit.


Anonymous said...

Ah. Catharsis. That almost makes me feel better.

If you asked me who's next, you'd get a list.

Anonymous said...

Is that Sam Kazman with his Cholericness?...I thought at first glance it was the son-in-law of that prick, Howard Metzenbaum,.. Joel Hyatt.

Anonymous said...

Hannity just did a great job fisking the 60 minutes Algore BJ of last week. His main point... Why do people believe a man with a reputation as a serial liar?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Because they are liberals, or in thrall of liberals, and hence submit to a life of blind ignorance and gross stupidity.

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