Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Aurhorized by John McCain



Anonymous said...

The Living Dollie Obama.....Oracle of the Thundermug Palace...."Garde Loo"

Anonymous said...

Resistance is Futile you will be Obamasized.

Anonymous said...

Rectus... Dominus... Cheesy Poofs...

Anonymous said...

Ah, the politics of hope. Seen this? http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-killerspin27apr27,0,6789688.story

Seems like Killerspin got cheated on the deal. They only got a 200% return on their money. I think the norm is about 5000%.


Anonymous said...

Well, from the events of the last two days, it's clear that Obama's toast. And the Clinton machine had little to nothing to do with it. Who'da thunk the Rev Wright hisself would war on his congregant?

As I feared, we're in for a summer and fall of Her Filthyness, and she has a darn good chance of winning the whole shebang.

Anonymous said...

"Look into my eyes...I did NOT have aural relations with that minister....I wasn't there those 847 Sundays he talked about that or I would have been REAL mad....Now vote for me..I am your salvation....."

Anonymous said...

Cripes! With those ears, how does he miss anything!....Bet he's constantly annoyed by pins being dropped!

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