Sunday, April 06, 2008

Obama's Core

Obama may have another problem


Anonymous said...

Overheard on the campaign trail

BHO – Oh, Lordy . . . at last! After all these years. I can hardly wait.
JQP -- Won’t you have to raise everybody’s taxes to complete your plans?
BHO – No way, man. Don’t even think about that.
JQP -- Uh . . . , the average guy on the street is your first priority, right?
BHO – Sure thing. Always was and always will be.
JQP -- Aren’t you more interested in Africa than America?
BHO – No, dammit. Why do you keep bringing that up?
JQP -- Will you change the way things are done in Washington?
BHO – Beginning the first day and every day thereafter.
JQP -- Will you ever go back on any of your promises?
BHO – How can I make this clear to you? Aren’t you listening to me?
JQP -- So, we can trust that you’re definitely on the side of the common man?
BHO – Yes. Yes, I am.
JQP -- Mr. President!! (Ruffles and Flourishes)

Overheard in the Oval Office after the inauguration

Read the above list backwards

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Brilliant. Yours?

Anonymous said...

Words are; idea ain't.

Rewrite from an joke, based on a Pre-wedding and Post-wedding set of Q & A with same theme/intent.

Anonymous said...

One of Barak H. Obama's favorite quotes:"I'll make sure everyone who can work, will have a job"......Cecil Horace Pennygretch,owner of Thundermug Plantation...Mr. Pennygretch went on to say "My field overseer assures me there's plenty for everbody".

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