Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why We Won

Raff out Roud
But wait ...

At first I laughed at this sorry-ass Chinese welder.  But then, WTF?  We used to call this "Yankee ingenuity," and "Can Do" spirit.  I want that back. 


Anonymous said...

How do you know he's Chinese?....I don't see no chopsticks on that welding rod....Oh wait. Sorry..I see it now...Hoisin flux.

Anonymous said...

Oh. By the way. Hard to tell from here but that welding rod actually IS a chopstick.

closed said...

He's going to be completely blind in five years, welding with only safety glasses as protection.

He already has a big burned spot in the middle of his retina.

He will use his peripheral vision to weld until he burns that up as well.

Anonymous said...

At least he's wearing leather gloves and two layers of clothing (although one spark in that open-neck and he'll be dancing a jig!)

By that measure he's a hell of a lot smarter than those idiots on Monster Garage and American Chopper who must love the itch of a radiation burn and the retina damage. (No, paulie, squinting during a MIG tack-weld isn't an acceptable substitute for a welding hood!)

OSHA could shut them down from nothing more than watching one 30-minute episode.

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