Friday, May 16, 2008

Black racism and Obama Rama

The New Racist
Well, not that new

Ruben Navarette Explains Why You're a Racist if You Don't Vote for Obama

While confirming that we are politically obligated to vote for Barack Obama because he is a mulatto, moonbat columnist Ruben Navarette Jr. helpfully explains why it isn't racism that virtually all blacks vote for the absurdly under-qualified black guy, but it is racism if most white people don't:

The answer has to do with history. ... [Continue Moonbattery]


Anonymous said...

Miss Scarlet, I don't know nuthin' 'bout talkin' to world class thugs!


Anonymous said...

from By Ruben Navarrette Jr.

Many are responding quite well. Obama won the votes of many, to borrow a phrase, "hardworking white Americans," in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. But, elsewhere, as Obama said in a recent interview, people may need to get their head around the concept of an African-American even seeking the presidency, let alone winning it.

I lived in Minnesota once and I was tired of explaining to people who did not know any people of color that it is okay to dislike a person based on his behavior, even if he is a person of color.

Look at the ethnic makeup of the states listed above. They have not moved beyond racism through assimilation like a lot of us who live in states with a healthy ethnic mix.

We vote for the candidate and his or her ideas and not just gender or racial makeup of the candidate. Voting for a woman or a black candidate is not a new thing for us like it is for folks who live in the 'white' states.

I am getting real tired of all this made up crap and the idiots running for office.

Anonymous said...

Little Rueban was a commie semp race baiting jerk while writing and whining for the Az Republic, he hasn't changed.
OY! Medved calls him a friend...

Anonymous said...


Medved is a tool. I don't even waste my time listening to his drabble. BTW, Rush is full on today.

Anonymous said...

Well I say that ALL white people should vote for His Wholeiness, to atone for past injustices, and 6 to 8 women from each of the 57 states visited by His Transientness, should have his babies.....It's the least us peckerwood honkies can do......Hoisin, er uh, hosanna. Hosanna Obama.Obama hosanna.

Anonymous said...

I will never vote or support that *dirty rat*.

cuchieddie : 2:13 PM EDT

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...Look at the picture and listen........."Shut dat doh! Pull dem curtains! Lock dat doh!...Alright nah. Ain't no way DIS motherf**ker is gonna be makin no marackles recovery.You done burnt yo last cross, honkey."

Anonymous said...

Can we start the hangings now?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

WTF you talking Jmac? That's a black klansman. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Aw dang!...Got my brightness set too high on my monitor...I thought he was a white roofer from Buloxi.

ricpic said...

"...states with a healthy ethnic mix."

It's healthier to have to rub up against creatures on a daily basis who in appearance, speech, assumptions, manners, gestures, temperament, are deeply repugnant to you than it is to move amongst your own kind?!
Celebrate diversity my ass.

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