Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blatant Media Bias

I see they're trying out subtlety

Not a surprise, we expect the media to double up on their effort to get Obama elected, but I wonder if they understand the irony here?  Lord forgive me, but the political reality is that if we were assured McCain wouldn't complete his first year in office, he wins 50 states, no matter who his vice president is. Sorry John, but you made your bed.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Well, excuse me.

Juice said...

Oh,no,no, my friend, you need not excuse yourself, for, stg, I searched wikipedia just last night. Honestly!

Ring any bells??

Now, we dare not mention Lincoln, Garfield, Harding, and Kennedy, if we intend to get to Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Weelllll, then can we say McKinley?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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