Friday, May 16, 2008

Burn Topsy Burn

Topsy, Part II

I just received this gloating e-mail from UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE, a pro Castro, anti American group founded by People for the American Way. 
In an amazing turn of events, the House of Representatives today voted AGAINST the supplemental funding for the war in Iraq!!

The bill would have provided $166 billion in war funding, the largest single provision since the war started in 2003. In a move that no one expected, dozens of Republicans voted "present," which is the same as abstaining on the vote. This meant that the 149 NO votes were enough to defeat the bill. (141 votes were cast in favor.)

This is a tremendous victory for the antiwar movement. The hard work of people all around the country secured those 149 clear NO votes. Click here for the roll call to see how your representative voted.
I'm sorry that in 1990, I believe it was, I cut my Republican ID card in half and mailed it back to the party.  Because now I have no membership card to burn. Cork Suckers.


Anonymous said...

I live about 20 miles from Irvin Tenn were Mary was hung (PICTURE). You can still hear Mary scream at night at the stock yard were the deed was done. It took two attemps before she was dead. Just a little back ground on the Pic.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

You're right. I was going for Topsy, electrocuted by Edison to demonstrate the danger of using the competing DC (Direct Current). If I'm not mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Edison was for DC. It was Tesla and Westinghouse who were for the AC that we use today. In many instances Edison was blind. His contention was that with AC if you grabbed the cable you couldn't let go. If we'd stuck with DC, there'd have been a generating station on every block. You can't beat the i-squared-R losses with DC. With AC you just jack up the voltage to 35,000 or so with a transformer and send it down from Canada's hydroelectric plants.


Anonymous said...

'Fraid you are , Rog. Edison was into relatively low voltage DC and was trying to convince the world AC was deadly. The frying was done with AC. Technically he was right, under 40-50v is pretty much harmless, but it's extremely inefficient to transmit over distance. High voltage has far less loss and AC is far easier to convert. Thank Tesla.

At the right voltage either will do the job.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yeah, that one.

Anonymous said...

Someone snuck an immigration amnesty amendment into the war funding bill - hence the most conservative rupubs voted "NO," while the RINO's voted yes

Anonymous said...

I knew there was something more to it when I saw my Rep., Steve King of Iowa's name listed among those voting "Present". Glad I didn't have to wander too far from the page to find out. Thanks Anonymous.

I am, however, going to use the photo as my new Myspace Profile Pic. Love it Roger. Says it all ~

Timbeaux said...

My understanding was that they sank the bill to kill the pork attached. It's actually a moment to be proud of if that's the case, the Dems don't dare call it quits on such a bill, they will have to trim it down. You should no better than to take this spin at face value.

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