scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, May 17, 2008
An Easy One

"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Unwind the cardboard roll.
5/17/08, 10:43 AM
- B....... said...
No shit!
5/17/08, 11:26 AM
Anonymous said...
Ahmadinejad has it ...
"Don't use this hand!"
Pancho O'Toole
. -
5/17/08, 11:47 AM
Anonymous said...
Sorry everybody, the correct answer is, Ahmadinejad, you wipe your ass with Ahmadinejad.
5/17/08, 11:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes I would definately say,"Unwind the cardboard roll" as you will need it when wiping with the Ahmadinejad, to keep from getting Ahmadinejad on your hand.....Caution..You may STILL want to use your LEFT hand for this operation.
5/17/08, 3:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Fucking civilians, the accepted technique is to tear strips from your skivvy shirt until it doesn't exist anymore. I never got past my armpits. I guess I'd move on to my next least necessary article of clothing after that.
Casca -
5/17/08, 9:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Use the bidet.
Ask to borrow the other guy's t-shirt.
Don't use the poison ivy leaves.
Use the hotel's towel.
Use the drapes. (reminds me of a story)
Find Henry Waxman. He'll sniff it clean.
When all else fails, open the vanity and get out another roll.
Story: three really old guys were chatting over a beer about their love life.
First guy - I can still get it up about once a month and even though I can only do it for a few minutes, I first lick champagne off my wife's breasts and she loves it so much she almost levitates off the bed!
Second guy - I can't get it up at all, but once a week I put whipped cream all over my wife's body and lick it off, and I swear she comes a foot off the bed!
Third guy - Shoot, that's nothing. I make love to my wife the regular old missionary way about once a month, I last about a minute, get up and wipe my dick on the curtains, and my wife hits the ceiling!
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
5/18/08, 12:25 AM
Anonymous said...
Fire the maid.
-DougM -
5/18/08, 4:48 PM